
Gas burner valve features

 PTA plant at risk pump shut-off Burner Valves are many kinds of pressure rating and gas Burner Valves are also many medium-caliber, to select different types of pneumatic actuators based on the actual situation, to ensure that the switch in the form of torque and pneumatic actuators to meet production requirements. Lower investment costs while at high risk of long-term pump inlet Burner Valve is fully open, fully closed state, the need to adjust to achieve the opening of the control Burner Valves, pneumatic actuator selection, but the failure rate is low, to meet the chemical plant safety requirements and production requirements.
 Through the transformation of a pneumatic actuator, can save a lot of Natural Gas Safety Valve labor costs, the original two-man operation, took nearly 20min of large diameter Burner Valves, now need only one operator, less than 20s time switch can be achieved. In dangerous situations, such as media leaks and fires when the Burner Valve can also be quickly cut off distance, in order to avoid the expansion of the accident.

